The Media and Foreign Powers: Does Market Access Matter for News Reporting? (with Li Han) R&R
The Scar of Political Conflict (with Derek Huo)
Bottom-Up Institutional Change and Growth in China (with Bingjing Li and Xiaodong Zhu)
Cultural Traits and Behavior During Crisis: Evidence from Courier Daily Performance Records (Yuyu Chen, Yuxi Xie and Qingxu Yang)
Cronies in the Courtroom: Political Interference and Judicial Reforms (with Hongbin Cai, Yuyu Chen and Sisi Zhang)
Women in the Courtroom: Technology and Justice (with Yuyu Chen and Qingxu Yang) The Review of Economic Studies Accept
Competition for Attention and News Quality (with Wing Suen) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2023, 15 (3):1-32 (lead article)
Radicalism in Mass Movements: Asymmetric Information and Endogenous Leadership (with Wing Suen) American Political Science Review 2021, 115, 1, 286-306
Aspiring for Change: A Theory of Middle Class Activism (with Wing Suen) The Economic Journal 2017, 127:1318-1347
The Power of Whispers: A Theory of Rumor, Communication and Revolution (with Yang Lu and Wing Suen) International Economic Review 2016, 57(No.1):89-116
Falling Dominoes: A Theory of Rare Events and Crisis Contagion (with Wing Suen) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2016, 8(1):228-55
Trend, Cycle and Expectation Formation (with Yicheng Liu)
Heterogeneous Overreaction in Expectation Formation: Evidence and Theory (with Xu Li, Guangyu Pei and Qian Xin) Journal of Economic Theory 2024, Volume 218, 105839
Attention Misallocation, Social Welfare and Policy Implications (with Yulei Luo and Guangyu Pei) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 2015, 59(Oct):37-57